Cloudflare ssl error

Help yourself! We have a guide written specifically about this exact error:

The main selling point of Cloudflare Flexible SSL is that it does NOT require ANY SSL to be setup on the target hosting server.

There are about a 100 different buttons in the client area that say “Manage”, and at least three places I can think of where it shows things about your SSL certificate.

Can you please be a bit more specific which page and what information you’re referring to exactly?

I just checked your account and there are two Pending certificate order. No certificates have been requested yet, let alone installed.

On the hosting account itself, I see that you installed a Self Signed certificate, which is working.

However, your website itself does not seem to be accessible. When I try to access it, I get an error saying SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP. That means the connection between my browser and Cloudflare does not work. That’s not something you can solve on the hosting side, it’s most likely a configuration at Cloudflare.