Cloudflare DNS with InfinityFree

Website URL

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Error Message

Your domain is not yet pointing to our nameservers ns1.infinityfree and ns2.infinityfree Please change your nameservers at your domain name provider and wait a few hours for the changes to take effect.

Other Information

How am i able to connect this to my website using Cloudflare?
Should I use cName or A? And what is the link i put into Cloudflare DNS?

Unfortunately, there is no method at this time other than changing your nameservers to InfinityFree’s to be able to add your domain to an account.

If you have registered your domain with Cloudflare, I’m afraid it’s not possible to host it here (unless you transfer the domain to a different registrar that supports changing nameservers). If you have it registered somewhere else and just happen to use Cloudflare for your DNS management, you can temporarily switch the nameservers to InfinityFree’s, and after the domain has been added to the account, switch them back to Cloudflare.


No, I mean I bought it from NameCheap, but I want to use Cloudflare DNS to proxy all traffic. Can it still not do that

You can do it, you’ll just have to temporarily switch the nameservers to the ones provided by InfinityFree to create/add your domain to an account. After the domain has been added, you can feel free to change the nameservers back to Cloudflare’s and set up the relevant records, we have a community guide for that as well:


Will this work? Cloudflare said SSL cert not vaild
2nd photo below

2nd photo

Remove Cloudflare’s nameservers and use only InfinityFree’s, and after the domain is added to the hosting platform, remove InfinityFree’s nameservers and add Cloudflare’s again. Don’t try to add both, as it may not work correctly and cause more issues than needed.


I just created a subdomain. Can I CNAME to it or do I A the ip address?

I am a bit confused, but if you want to add only a subdomain to the hosting platform, you’ll still need to temporarily change the nameservers of the base domain to InfinityFree’s:

You could try setting up an NS record within Cloudflare with the value of the nameservers and try to add it via the “Addon Domains” section in the control panel, but I’m unsure if it will work.


Nah, I mean I created a subdomain usig IF’s free service and I have been trying to CNAME to it using Cloudflare, but it doesn’t really seem to work.

Pointing to a free subdomain via CNAME won’t do much, as the hosting system does not recognise your record if it does not exist on the system, so it will redirect it to


Pointing your domain to the main domain doesn’t work, but you can setup an A record instead which points to your Website IP as shown in the client area.

Please note that domain MUST be setup on your hosting account for this to work. I saw you briefly had it yesterday, but then deleted it again. Please setup the domain on the account and then keep it there. Whatever issues you’re having is unlikely to be fixed by removing and re-adding the domain, and definitely not by just removing the domain, and doing so means you’ll need to start over again with the nameserver validation.


Got it connected, but now it says 526 invalid SSL Cert

Anyone know what is happening?

Have you installed an SSL certificate on InfinityFree’s side?


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