Clarification on AI Chatbots and TOS for InfinityFree Hosting

Dear Admin / Infinityfree team,

I’m writing to inquire about your hosting policies, particularly in regard to AI chatbots, specifically how they differ from traditional chatting sites, which are prohibited according to your Terms of Service.

As you mention in this article, chatting sites are banned as they require constant server pings to maintain ‘instant’ communication, even when there’s nothing happening. I completely understand this, as it places unnecessary strain on your servers.

However, I believe an AI chatbot differs fundamentally from these traditional chatting sites. In the case of an AI chatbot, a user submits a question, and the AI promptly responds with a generated answer—essentially, it’s a one-off interaction that requires a single request and response. The chatbot does not maintain an open connection once the response is provided, nor does it require frequent or ongoing server pings as it does not respond when not spoken to (obviously). It only engages when prompted by a user, and it remains inactive when not in use.

Additionally, I would like to point out that the actual processing required to generate the AI responses is done by OpenAI’s servers and not by your servers. Your servers would simply be conveying the response back to the client, with minimal processing overhead. This makes the load on your resources far less demanding compared to a live chatting application.

Given this distinction, I would like to clarify whether AI chatbots fall under the same “chatting site” category in your TOS. If they are indeed prohibited, I would appreciate further details as to why, especially considering the differences in server usage outlined above.

Thank you for taking the time to address this matter. I look forward to your response and any additional clarification you can provide.


Please don’t use AI to write posts on the forum, it makes it really hard to understand what you are asking, and takes 10x longer to read.

For other users:

That sums up the entire novel the OP posted

And no, connecting to the OpenAI API is not a terms violation



I don’t see any inherent problems with your plans, as there is indeed no need for any kind of rapid server polling to check for new messages. So ToS wise, I don’t see any issues.

However, please be aware of the restrictions on the “chat” keyword, which cannot be disabled for individual accounts.


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