In Google search results and those of other search engines, you will see an additional name above the title of the page, like this:
As shown, it says “InfinityFree” at the top.
If you have a website hosted on a free subdomain, you may also see this label say “InfinityFree.” What is this label, and why would it say “InfinityFree” for your own website?
This is the Site Name label
In addition to well-known meta tags such as the page title and description, there are other page and website attributes that can be set, which provide crawlers (like those used by search engines) with more information about your pages, website, and content. These tags are defined through the OpenGraph standard.
One of these tags used by search engines is the Site Name attribute. While the title
attribute covers the name of the individual page, the Site Name attribute describes the title of the entire website.
You can see this in the search results for other pages on the InfinityFree website:
Why does the site name say InfinityFree for my subdomain
If you have configured a Site Name tag on your website, Google will use it as the site name in search results. However, if no such tag is found, Google will attempt to infer what the site name could be.
For subdomains, like
, Google will look at your subdomain and the base domain since they may be related. The base domain
redirects to the website of InfinityFree. Google sees this and assumes that the site name found on
also applies to
To change this, you should set your own site name on your website, ensuring full control over what is shown.
How to add a Site Name tag to your website
There are different ways to add a Site Name to your website. The exact instructions depend on the software you use to build your website, so you may want to search the web for specific instructions. Below are some examples to get you started.
Add a Site Name tag through HTML
The OpenGraph Site Name tag can be added to your website via an HTML meta tag. To set the site name, add a tag like this between the <head>
and </head>
tags in your page:
<meta property="og:site_name" content="My Awesome Website">
For the best results, this tag should be added to all pages on your website and set to the same value everywhere.
Add a Site Name tag to WordPress
In WordPress, the Site Name tag and many other tags can be configured with an SEO plugin like the very popular Yoast SEO.
To configure the Site Name in Yoast:
- Log in to your WordPress admin area.
- Go to Yoast SEO → Settings.
- Go to General → Site Basics.
- Find the field named “Website name” and update it as desired.
By following these steps, you can effectively control the site name displayed in search engine results, ensuring it reflects your website’s branding.
More Information
For more information about site names, how they work and how they can be set, please see the article from Google about site names: