Can't Type Text Body while Creating Posts or Pages in WordPress

Hello! I just installed WordPress & when I try to create a page or post, I can’t type that…
I have installed the Classic Editor Plug-in. But even when I use the Block Editor, I can type the text but that doesn’t publish saying: Publishing failed. You are probably offline. Please help me out!

I don't know if there's another category for this, but I found the Hosting Support category to be more related!


So, Should I disable Force HTTP to HTTPS in Cloudflare?


Thanks to you all MODS! It solved my problem! But now how I redirect my site to HTTPS without this issue? I have a free domain which doesn’t provide SSL.
Thanks again!

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You should use Really Simple SSL plugin.


No, that option is probably fine. The Automatic HTTPS Rewrites option tends to be the root of a lot of evil.

And like @anon19508339 said: the Really Simple SSL plugin does what it says on the tin.


OK! Thank you for solving my issues :grin:

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