Cant access any website hosted on infinityfree in my schools wlan

Website URL

any hosted here, like, i cant even access or

Error Message

timeout/this site cant be accessed in edge

Other Information

why is this like that, what can i help you guys to find out more (ip, i dont know)

Same answers apply


No. It stopped working very suddenly, it is not a block, if it was, my iPad couldn’t access it from anywhere (blocked sites say “this site is blocked and can’t be opened“). I am pretty sure the problem is at the host. I mean my school would have had blocked every site on here… I can access tho, so maybe the problem is really at the domains

Prove it.
What does tracert show?

I am sure issue is on your end. No issue at all. See below


As I told in the other topics too, I’m pretty sure it’s not a hosting issue.

There are different ways to block websites. They could either be blocked on the IP address level or on the domain name level.

And given that the base domains and are not in the same network as free hosting sites, I’m pretty sure that they are blocking the domains, not the IP addresses.

Are you able to access websites using custom domains? If so, it’s definitely not an IP block, either on their end or ours.


I can access and the domains, but no subdomains of them

Honestly sounds like your school are blocking it to me.

I work for a company that offer web filtering services for schools in the UK, and I can say without a doubt all the Infinity free sub domains are blocked with our systems.

Schools and colleges are really picky about people accessing sites that aren’t vetted


Website URL,,…

Error Message

403 forbidden

Other Information

If I try accessing any of these sites in my school wlan, I get an 403 forbidden error. Only in safari. Anywhere else I get a blank page. Before, I got an timeout, the administrator of the school said he’ll fix it, now I have this. What to do now?

No info = no help.

Please list exact website.


I am not being redirected. I just see this.

As i said, if i access with chrome or Firefox instead of safari, i get an blank page. Only in this wlan. IP:

That’s an internal IP…

If that’s where the site takes you to, then the issue is on your end.


No it’s my wlans ip

I merged your two topics about websites being inaccessible from your school. It’s the same issue and a continuation of the discussion.

As far as I know, we don’t use OpenResty. Or at least, our 403 page doesn’t say that we use OpenResty.

My guess is that your school has a web proxy that all traffic goes through, and that web proxy is blocking access to those domains. Usually, you’d want to show a bit more informative page about it. But given that before the connection just timed out, I’m not surprised that it’s still not exactly elegant.

Go back to the administrator and tell them that their fix doesn’t work.

I don’t understand why you keep posting about it here. Your website is working. Our hosting is working. But it’s blocked on your school. There is very little we can do to help you with that. We can’t fix it, and we can’t even check it.


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