I cant visit my website.
It says like the Site dont exit
please help
Site: http://shareit.epizy.com/
I can see the website, but is is in the ossn folder.
You site loads fine for me, could you try clearing your cache? Also this should be in the hosting support category.
how can i see the directoy list.
In the file manager or when you visit your site.
No i mean
I deleted all the cache history but i still cannot view the site
Screenshot of error (its in german sry): Screenshot by Lightshot
Please insert the image into your reply because I am on my school computer and prnt.sc is blocked.
The site definitely exists but this is most likely due to DNS propagation.
can you view my page?
because i cant
Yes I can.
Try using vpn
Try doing what @KangJL suggested but it is most likely due to
what vpn (free one please)
I cleared my dns cance with “ipconfig /flushdns”
but still not working
Please follow the suggestions in the article or just have patience.
Your website is working fine but your computer/network/ISP is not picking it up. It will fix itself. The article has workarounds in them you can try.
But you can just wait.
In any case, we can’t fix this for your because your site is working.