Cannot Receive Mail - Been trying for very long

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:

I am trying to use PHP to send mail from a user input. PHP runs correctly because I am getting the confirmation echo message. I have set MX record, SPF record, spent a lot of time searching and cannot seem to get it working. PHP is shown below. Since the PHP seems to be working, I am thinking it is a not the code but something server related.

<?php ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); error_reporting( E_ALL ); $from = "[email protected]"; $to = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Checking PHP mail"; $message = "PHP mail works just fine"; $headers = "From:" . $from; mail($to,$subject,$message, $headers); echo "The email message was sent."; ?>

I’m using this software:

(If you can’t read the full post click on the blue part)

That’s what I’m using (it’s in the topic description): $from; mail($to,$subject,$message, $headers);

From the same article that I posted, if you can’t understand what I mean:

PHP mail is severely restricted on InfinityFree. To prevent spam and other abuse, most messages sent through PHP mail are rejected by the mail system. In practice, this means you cannot use PHP mail on InfinityFree to send your email.

If you want to send email from your website, the easiest option is to use an external SMTP service. Most applications offer a setting or plugin to send email with SMTP. We have written an article about how to send email with Gmail SMTP, which includes instructions on how to configure SMTP in your Gmail account and code samples to help you integrate SMTP in your own software.

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