Can i remove the aes.js?

I know that is a security option activated by default on infinityfree, but Bing webmasters tools and some other crawlers cant identify my website because of javascript disabled error, i cant make cronjobs using cronjob org, and all is because of aes.js :frowning:

If you have a custom domain, you can use an external dns provider like Cloudflare to ‘remove’ it. However, Google and Bing can still crawl your site, as they are whitelisted in the system.


Bing cant.

sa (1)

That request may not have been sent from the Bing crawler.

When Bing actually crawls the site, the request will be allowed.


Perfect! Cron jobs are prohibited, so everything is working as intended.


bro, im not lying, literally dont won anything lying :skull: , if you want, i can change my bing password to like your username and you see that with your own eyes

We don’t think you’re lying. But just because we don’t think you’re deliberately spreading false information doesn’t mean that what you believe to be true is actually true.

We have taken precautions ensure that websites hosted with us are accessible to most popular search engine crawlers, including Bing. That doesn’t mean that SEO checkers do too.


:frowning: ok, just another question, if i buy premium i need migrate all my things to ifast net?

iFastNet handles the migration for you. For more information on what to expect if you become a premium hosting customer, you can read the following article:


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