Hey, admin.
This is a screenshot of my website, it is not hosted to InfinityFree yet, but it is ready to be hosted to InfinityFree, this is what I translated through Google, there may be errors, you see if such a website can be hosted in InfinityFree.
Doesn’t look to breach the TOS to me.
Hey, bro. I wanted to ask if such a site could be hosted on InfinityFree, as I didn’t want to break the rules
Probably yeah. Those screenshots don’t give enough information to be sure. Give it a shot and see what happens.
I’m afraid my account will be locked if I try it easily.
I don’t see any problems just from those screenshots, but it’s impossible to know for sure without more detailed information on what your site is and what it does. I recommend you take a detailed look at InfinityFree’s terms of service. You know your site best, so you’ll be able to figure out if it complies with the rules or not better than anyone else. Any attempt the community makes to answer your question would be a guess at best.
Let me explain briefly. My website has quotes from my studio, such as “Perseverance, continuous efforts, even if the gains are only a little”, and then there is my personal introduction and announcement, and below is a list of other project websites of our studio, as well as our studio’s contact information, that’s all, the final decision is still up to InfinityFree and iFastNet.
I don’t know what cloud storage tools you use in other countries to share files with others, otherwise I can try to share the source code for review
I hope Admin can help me review it.
I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re asking about.
Your screenshots appear to show a simple landing page. There is not much in the way of functionality there, so I don’t see any reason why our hosting would be lacking any features necessary to run that website.
The landing page itself just seems like it provides information about your design studio. Which is not illegal, morally questionable or high risk, so I don’t see any issues there either.
In short, I don’t see anything on your website that I would even consider asking a hosting provider about.
Which makes me wonder why you are asking about it. Am I overlooking an important detail?
I wonder if we can provide you with the source code through other means so that you can check whether it violates the terms of service. If not, I can upload it with confidence.
I’m sorry, but I’m not going to do an in-depth analysis of your code to look for potential issues. Not just because it takes more time then I’m willing to spend on this, but also because I have no idea what I should be on the lookout for.
If you suspect that there may be a particular aspect of your site that would prevent you from hosting it with us, please clearly state exactly what you are concerned about.
If you’re not sure if there is anything to be concerned about, then just read our website to see the features we offer, and read our terms of service to see what rules apply to using our service.
If you have already checked those and didn’t see anything of concern, then you can safely assume that you’re good to go.
And if that’s what you’re fishing for: I’m not going to give you any seal of approval or guarantee that your website will work and will not result in suspension. I’m not going to give you a get-out-of-jail-free card you can wave around if your account ever does get suspended.
If there is no need to worry, then there is no need to worry. Besides that, you will just need to trust that we don’t do anything stupid.
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