
I need to understand why caching test with wpsupercache plugin in wp website result s in:

"warning, the website pages have not the same url, cache doesn’t work if they don’t match.

you can open your website on a browser where you’re not logged in and check the url, if is correct, or there are some strings, differences…

(… follows : You can try enabling in the settings >> debug >> enable logging…)

Actually there’s a string at the end of the url… I know there are many securities actions by the different vectors and the plugin show a cache page with the string but just 1, the front page; the question is:

to keep running the cache correctly, quick and updated with all possible changes what should I do?

write a CDN with the url I see with the final string
write the url+string somewhere else?

change plugin…

Why not ask the plugin developer?

Very likely due to these


also, yes

I think you can just ignore the warning.

Yes, our bot protection system may result in the page caching working slightly less efficient than without it. But you can’t disable the bot protection system, so you’ll probably just have to accept this.


Other plugins don’t have this problem :slight_smile:


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