I am currently looking for free badges and review cards applicable to any Infinityfree website.
- Trust badge
- Copyright protection badge
- Security badge / website safety badge
- Any other type of badge that will increase the overall website’s trust
If you know something, then please share it. Here’s what I currently know:
- DMCA badge (free plan)
- TrustSite badge (free plan)
- Norton Web Safe Badge
Review Cards
- Trustpilot (free plan)
I know Infinityfree uses Trustpilot for reviews. I want to know if there are other sites that can be practically used other than Trustpilot.
Personally, I think less of websites that have those types of badges on them. Any badge you can get for free adds nothing of value to your site, and while its not always true, a lot of the sites that I see that use it are hosting illegal content, or are spams/scams and are using the badges to create fake trust.
Copyright is implied, you don’t need a badge for it, it’s already there. Security has nothing to do with images or iFrame’s but rather the actual security certificate and code security.
Use these badges if you want to, but I view them as free advertising for the company that created them, and a website owner who is trying to create fake trust in their content.
Of course, this is all just my opinion, and others have their own