Bought domain from Cloudfare - Can't be used with InfinityFree?

I bought a domain from Cloudfare, which it seems I have learned (after buying the domain) that it is not possible to change nameservers on cloudfare which seems to be necessary in order for it to work with InfinityFree.

Is there any workaroud? Cloudfare support has been no help (impossible to actually talk to someone without paying for a seperate service on top of the domain fee)

I’m really hoping I don’t have to wait 60 days and transfer the domain to another provider.

That used to be to the case, but there is a workaround now


This is not working for me either, as the error that is displayed for me does not give me the CNAME infomation like the guy shows… Please see screenshot.



You did not read it correctly


Thanks, I was able to get the CNAME record and add it to Cloudfare.

Do I also need to add the 2 A name records and one MX record listed under my domain on this page to cloudfare as well?

Yes, especially the A record, otherwise your domain won’t resolve to the correct location.

The link you shared is private — It’s available to your account only. Either share a screenshot or just remove that link.


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