Ask me for FTP login master password whenever i try to access my file manager directory? Please help

Whenever I try to access my file manager, it always asks me to enter master password. Please tell me which one is my master password? How to fix this issue?

Please check the client area


Its showing me this interface. Which one is Master password to access file manager directory?


Please use filezilla to access

Its still showing this error?

Like I said, use filezilla.
You may be affected by this


I have installed FileZilla . I am trying to connect my website but it says home directory not available? Whats the hell this now? Please help me to fix it as soon as possible

FTP access is unavailable for a number of websites at this time. This is why you cannot connect with FTP and why the file manager also doesn’t work.


The files which I have stored on server are safe? I have not taken its backup yet? Please I request to #Admin to provide me my important files. I don’t know whether this issue will be resolved or not?

So far, there are no indications that any files are lost.

As I wrote in the announcement: it’s not possible to create backups at this time. The problem of files being inaccessible is that you can’t access them to make a backup. You’ll just have to wait for the servers to come back up.

Of course it will be resolved. We’re not going to let a hundred thousand websites go down and then just shrug. I don’t know how soon it will be fixed, but iFastNet is on top of it.


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