An error occurred while connecting to the hosting platform

My website:

An error occurred while connecting to the hosting platform. Please try again later or use the control panel.

I got this error when trying access the script installer.

What is wrong with my account? Or the hosting platform?

The control panel is suddenly down, causing the client area and script installer not to work. We’ll have to wait till the control panel comes online again.


Any idea how long this will be

I have no idea, but i believe it will come back online soon


I am also going through same issue. What exactly is this problem? Is it going to get fixed anytime soon?

yes control panel seems to be down

The Control Panel, as well as the Client Area connection to it, went back up; try to do whatever you were trying to do before (or just log in to the Control Panel) and see if it works!


All right. Trying it now.

Do I need to clear any cache or cookies of my browser before proceeding?

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There’s no need to clear cookies and browser cache, as the Control Panel will still work without clearing them.


Bro, it did work. I am so glad. Many thanks to you.


I feel very good to contact you guys here on this forum as it is very useful and helpful for an important update. If I need some more help, I would love to contact you again.

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Now this is what it says. Does this mean my website will become HTTPS after 15 minutes?

It’ll take even less than that time for your website to be accessible on HTTPS, though it might be worth the wait if it still won’t work with that protocol for you.


I see. I am still waiting for it. When I had automatically installed previous two certificates, they were not accessible through https without clearing cookies and cache of browser. I hope this will not be the case this time.

It finally got accessible through https. :slight_smile:


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