All accounts suspended

For some reason all my accounts in infinityfree have been suspended for supposly “violating ToS”? What is the exact reason? I haven’t done anything that breaks any ToS or at least that I’m aware of… I did not meant to exploit, or harm anyone while using infintyfree. I’m confused… Is it “because your account overloaded our servers.”? That would be silly but not impossible. Still, If this is not the issue then I do not know what it is. Can I get a tiny little piece of information? Thanks. :slight_smile:


Please read


I guess nothing but wait…
Thanks for the help anyway. :')

If you need more info, submit a support ticket.

Just adding more to what KangJL said, your account labels already made me wanna suspend all your accounts. We don’t allow Email bots (Those usually are used for phishing). And seeing how you intentionlly blacked about one of the account labels, I don’t think you don’t know what suspended your accounts.

BTW, from my point of view, you stand no chance to ever get anything back. We only suspend all accounts of one under severe abuse. And when in severe abuse cases, the support teams won’t reactivate your account, nor give you a backup. Because we don’t want to host those things again.


Were all of these accounts active? If they were, they were definitely not supposed to be, as there is a limit of 3 hosting accounts per person.

If this was why you were suspended, support should provide you with the option to keep 3 of your accounts active. If there were other reasons such as abuse as mentioned above, then what was mentioned above applies.


No, only 3 were. The other ones I deactivated for them to be deleted.

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