AJAX infinite scroll not work

My website URL is: https://omsistuff.ga

What I’m seeing is: https://omsistuff.ga/repaints

Error appear in my custom domain and my normal domain (omsistuff.rf.gd)
I try to get console log but the script does not seem to be executed.
Connexion to mysqli is working

Working perfeclty in localhost, but ajax request not executed online. Page is empty and the more button hasn’t effect.

I use getmdl.io and Jquerry CDN

I checked the repaints file, and I see this error in my browser console:

SyntaxError: missing } after property list
note: { opened at line 198, column 9

I’m not a Javascript expert, but the Ajax statement opened there looks a bit weird to me.

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I fixed some things, but as I said above, everything worked in localhost, with the same code.

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