After installing free SSL certificate from Control panel, website not loading fully

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After installing free SSL certificate from Control panel on all 3 of my websites, the webpages started to load firstly without backgorund. After reloading, background showed but photos loaded only around 60%. Reloaded again, few more showing…

I didn’t have this problem before installing free SSL certificate from repective control panel (SSL/TLS; configure;Free SSL certificate…)

Other Information

This all started when one of my website using domain was flagged by microsoft as dangerous and blocked.
My website has been flagged by microsoft edge as unsafe - Hosting Support - InfinityFree Forum

After disputed with MS for false positive for more than a week, still not solution, I decided to shift to a sub-domain and installed SSL certificate from Control Panel as well as two other websites under domain

But right after installtion of SSL certificates, all the website are experiencing the loading issue

Now if I go back to my old Domain without SSL
there are no loading issues.

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I checked your site, and I see the issue you’re having.

It’s really interesting you found this difference when using HTTPS. The classof69 page has over twice the number of images of the hksqrenunion page, but the HTTP version works perfectly whereas the HTTPS page has problems.

So it seems that having HTTPS appears to be making pages with a large number of images work poorly.

I did some testing and I think I may have found some things that could be causing this. There is nothing I found that is of any practical use to you, but I’ve sent everything to iFastNet so they try to find a solution.


I checked your websites and all of them seem to get a strange error in the console. A 503 “Service Unavailable” error. Which is strange because you are using the images from your own website which is available.
When individually going to these images and opening them in a new tab they load perfectly.

You should try to implement lazy-loading, it should help but this is quite weird. Probably an issue with iFastNet’s servers or something else.

It is in fact rate-limiting done by the server. And like you suggested, lazy loading may help fix this.


It wasn’t actually a rate limiting issue, but rather a server issue, specifically related to HTTP/2. HTTP/2 is supposed to improve website performance, but what we saw is the exact opposite. And because HTTP/2 only works with HTTPS, that’s why this issue only happens after setting up SSL.

HTTP/2 has been disabled now, which should fix the issue with some images not loading, and also improve website performance. We hope to be able to enable HTTP/2 again later when we know it can actually help with performance.


Thanks, there is a slight improvement.

On ipad & Iphone, it requires reloading twice to get all the images on Safari, Edge & Chrome.

However, on Windows PC. after reloading numerous times, some images still not showing on all browsers Edge, Chrome & Firefox.


It’s not Caching. I have to hit reload button numerous times to get them fully loaded. Next day, same page same result.

But if I go to non-secured http: everything is loaded swiftly without issue.

If you google it, there seem to be a common problem “images not fully loaded after SSL certificate”.


Please attempt to use lazy-loading on your images. This will greatly improve experience.

I checked again using the first link in your topic, and I see the failed requests too. I checked it using the third link before, but the first one has much more images. So I don’t know what was changed to fix the behavior on HTTPS websites, but it only appears to have solved the issue for smaller pages.

I’ve sent the information up the chain again.


WooHoo!! Thank you! Thank you!
It’s working now!
All loaded smoothly. I can’t thank you enough.
Most appreciated.

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