On infinityfree.com it says:
Then explain this:
I own isaak.rf.gd, and now there are ads on every subdomain of it.
On infinityfree.com it says:
This is DNS caching. In a sense, your PC doesn’t yet know that you own the domain.
Also wrong category.
Uhm… I never said i own idtz.isaak.rf.gd, it is an subdomain of my subdomain of rf.gd. All subdomains of isaak.rf.gd display ads, when i dont upload anything to it.
Like @Frank419 said it is caused by DNS caching. And yeah try clearing your browser history. And also if you keep your website empty, meaning if you remove the default html sometimes it redirects you.
Well, since you don’t own this domain, it’s not your website. Then why are you accusing us for placing ads on something that aren’t yours?
wait so u say that subdomains of an subdomain u own are not yours???
If you don’t explicitily claim it, then of course, it’s not yours.
kinda strange
i did never
It is strange, I agree. But it’s what the server admins decided so
We don’t put ads on your website. That’s a fact. But it doesn’t mean we can’t put ads on things that are not your website.
Change your DNS servers or just wait until your computer does its thing.