Hi, im new in promming, and i want to do a project that requieres SQL.
So i wanted to know if the querys, or any action with databases in theinfinityfree hosting spend the Dailys Hits Used?
And i have the same question about external databases too.
In the case that databases in my infinityfree spend the daily hit, recommended use external like firebase?
Other Information
Actions that i want to do:
-Save Users according to mail
-Send messages with php mail
-Save and show scores saved in database
I have not started the project yet since I have those doubts.
October 19, 2021, 5:43pm
Did you read this article already?
One of the limits InfinityFree enforces is the “hits” limit. This article explains what a hit is, how you can control your hits usage and what happens if you exceed the limit.
What is a hit?
A hit is a simply request to a file on your website, which can be a HTML or PHP page, an image, a CSS file or something else.
A hit is not the same as a page view, visit or visitor. Visitor can visit your website multiple times, a visit can include multiple page views, and a single page view can include mu…
Or this article for that matter?
In web analytics and website management, a pageview or page view, abbreviated in business to PV and occasionally called page impression, is a request to load a single HTML file (web page) of an Internet site. On the World Wide Web, a page request would result from a web surfer clicking on a link on another page pointing to the page in question.
In contrast, a hit refers to a request for any file from a web server. Therefore, there may be many hits per page view since an HTML page can contain mul...
Both articles should be pretty clear about what a hit is, and make it clear that database traffic does not affect hits usage at all.
This is not possible on free hosting, but you can use an external mail service, for example using Gmail SMTP with PHPMailer.
The most common way to send email from your website is by using the PHP mail() function. PHP mail() is an easy to use email system built into the PHP programming language. It’s the default setting for almost all applications.
However, PHP mail is severely restricted on InfinityFree. To prevent spam and other abuse, most messages sent through PHP mail are rejected by the mail system. In practice, this means you cannot use PHP mail on InfinityFree to send your email.
If you want to send email fr…
October 26, 2021, 5:44pm
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