Account suspended

Please unsuspend my accounts you think that my web page as phishing but this was for educational purpose only please unsuspend all of my accounts ( epiz_30714427 , epiz_30709625 , epiz_30205849) and I will remove the suspisious files.
when I submit a support ticket I get this wired autoreply message
Ticket status changed to Pending at January 7, 2022, 8:18 am

Please do reply to this ticket if you have any further queries and we will happily assist.
and no help from anyone.


But what I was doing wasn’t phising.This was only a project not for phishing or any kind of scams

You said that yourself. No one can help you because of your actions, simple.

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You don’t understand my point. I mean that they marked the files as suspisious files but they aren’t made for this purpose.

Alright, maybe I misunderstood, sorry for that. Can you tell what type of content was on your website? Or any specific code you might suspect?

I think they have found my php code as a suspiosious code.

Can you tell the code of the file? Or hope you have a backup!

InifnityFree have no tolerance with any kind of phishing , if it was for educational purposes only you should use your local network ^^


They have marked it as phising because it’s like instagram form but this was for practice not for phishing.

Did you by chance use use any IG logo or something? That could be due to copyright. I am not sure with that.

Yes I used Instagram logo.

Nope so I need them to reactivate my account to take files and remove them from the hosting account.

For now we cannot do anything, your only hope is for the Admin to come online and perhaps explain why your account was suspended with info.

so How can I contact the admin faster?!

You cannot, the admin comes online only two times a day.

So does he reply to the support tickets?!

No, the iFastNet support replies to tickets.

Posting here is not going to do you any good. No one here on the forum with the exception of Admin can help you.

Please just wait for a response to the support ticket.


You have a copy of a the Instagram login page which takes submitted email addresses and passwords and stores them in a database.

This is one of the most clear cut and dry case of a phishing site I’ve seen.

So go away. Say goodbye to your data because you lost your right to access them. We will not host anything for you ever again.