Account Suspended / Website set offline

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Account suspended

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Well this is my second posting and the new problem is even more annoying than my first one.
My account was suspended 3 days ago due to possible abuse or violation of terms of service. Reasons for this may include harmful or illegal content, or because your account overloaded our servers… Finally the reason was that my website was incorrectly detected as abuse by anti fraud systems.
NOW MY WEBSITE WAS SUSPENDED AGAIN AND SET OFFLINE. I mean what is this about? Not even bplaced or Austrian A1 ever did this to my website. There is no abuse or faud. ITS A SIMPLE WEBSITE TELLING THE STORY OF A WINDSURFCLUB… Does infinityfree make their free users go premium like that? Do they suspend accounts every third day? Or do they simply not like me?

LOL its even worse. My website is not only down. My visitors are redirected to a freakin I am afraid this was it. I only regret the amount of time I wasted on this non-service.

The redirection is normal. If you are prompted to open a support ticket in the client area, please do so, we can’t help you here. It’s a possibility that an automated system incorrectly flagged your website.

Also remember that this service is free, so it attracts far more abuse actors then other, paid services. Because of that abuse filtering needs to be a bit more strict and sometimes legitimate sites get caught in it.


I clicked the Link to the ticket I got offered. But its the same thread like 3 days ago. I hope at least this is normal. And btw I know and appreciate that its a free service. But suspending a Website every third day and redirecting it to a shamless advertising website is erm caugh not what I expected…

If it’s not letting you create another ticket, you can just reply to the existing ticket.


Well, my Website is pointing to a shty advertising site for 10 hours now. No reply no nothing to my ticket. Thanks guys for this NO SERVICE. If u dont want free users tell this in advance AND FCKN DONT LET ME WASTE TONS OF MY TIME ON THIS FREAKIN SHT.

Just for your information. My ticket for suspended account so far. Awesome…

Hi there,

Thank you for contacting.

The following files uploaded are not allowed on a free hosting plan and have been removed:


We would love to host this kind of content on our premium servers please consider upgrading to iFastNet premium where that is allowed and there are 100s of benefits!

You may continue to use your free hosting account now.

Please allow 10 minutes for account to be online and log out of your cPanel.

Best regards

iFastNet Premium hosting provides Unlimited disk space & daily hits, free domains, VERY powerful faster servers and 100s more benefits!
To upgrade this account to Awesome Premium Hosting - follow these simple steps :

  1. Click upgrade plan link/icon in your free hosting cPanel or visit

  2. Choose your premium plan and make payment.

  3. Reply here with your order or invoice number and we will upgrade your entire free hosting account files/domains to Premium!

Staff wrote at 2024-11-08 10:33 (30 minutes ago)

Well, are you drunk? This a simple picture of my webcam. Anyway, I changed the nameservers already and left. I will for sure never come back to that sht. Thx for wasting my time. bye

You wrote at 2024-11-08 10:47 (16 minutes ago)

Ticket status changed to Closed at November 8, 2024, 5:48 am

btw. this is the content that is not allowed under free plan lol:

Note that InfinityFree is not a file hosting service, so having images on your website that are not there as part of a website is in violation of the terms.

I don’t see what that image would be doing on your account for any other reason then using your account as a file host for your webcam, which is not allowed


This file appears to be flagged by automated scanners. And unfortunately, with how our content detection works, it’s very hard to implement false positives.

My guess is that the staff reply you got is a standard reply that’s used for cases where a file was flagged but the rest of the account is OK. I don’t see why that specific image would not be allowed on our hosting. The explanation is not correct, but the recommended action is: simply remove that file and don’t upload it again, and you can just keep using your account.

That said, automatic uploads of webcam images is not something we typically allow. We provide FTP connectivity for normal website administration only, not for our hosting to be used as a file hosting service for your camera uploads.

Tell me: how likely are you to buy premium hosting from iFastNet based on this experience? If the answer is some variation of “no way in hell”, then congratulations, you respond to bad experiences like basically everyone else does.

So really, do you think that randomly suspending people’s website to bully them into giving us money works? And if it obviously doesn’t work, then why do you think we would do it?

So instead of immediately assuming malicious intent, maybe consider some other explanations?

I have said it numerous times before and I will keep saying it: we want happy customers. We want people to choose premium plans because they trust us and because a premium plan fits their needs. And random suspensions are not a way to build trust. There are no massive discounts for new purchases or three year plans, because we’re not in the business of locking people in and holding them hostage.


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