I only create one free account. How come I see this message in the client area. I would like to create another account. I set up my old website to be deleted.
You have reached the limit of three free hosting accounts!
If you set-up your old account to be deleted, you may have to wait until the dash says that the account is closed to create a new one.
Because you have three accounts, you don’t have to create a new account for new sites. You can add a domain to an existing account, remove the domain you no longer want (including it’s files) and now that account will host your new website.
To add a domain to an existing account:
To remove an existing domain from an account:
Click on the domain, then locate the Remove Domain button, then click it and confirm in the pop-up window.
The “You have reached the limit of three free hosting accounts” message you see is a bug. You’re not supposed to see that message there.
However, you’re also not able to create new hosting accounts at this time.
As you can see in the warning banner at the top of the client area:
We found a problem with your email address!
We need a valid email address to keep you informed about the status of your services. Some functionality has been disabled until you’ve fixed this. Please check your profile for more information.
The “some functionality” that has been disabled includes the ability to create new hosting accounts.
To fix this, please go to your profile, check and fix the error, and re-confirm your email address to remove this notice. Once you have done that, you will be able to create another hosting account.
I found I only have one account. Now it said, It appears your account has fully used its inode allocation, you will need to delete files to reduce inodes before the script installer will work. From Softaculous App Installer.
You misunderstand. You don’t have three hosting accounts. You have only one hosting account.
The warning banner on account creation page is an error. It shouldn’t be visible to you because it doesn’t apply to you. It shows that banner because you cannot create hosting accounts. But the reason you cannot create hosting accounts is not because you have three of them already.
To fix this, you need to either re-confirm your email address or update it. Please see your profile for more information.