Account is suspended for reaching a daily HIT limit

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Just to inform when someone experiences the same.
Today morning I got surprising for me e-mail from InfinityFree noting “Your account was suspended because you hit the Hits limits.”. I haven’t changed anything from my side and no reason to believe my humble webpage got sudden fame. Probably some kind of attack. Well, as I understand (from forums) that nothing You (meaning InfinityFree) can do about attacks etc. and my kind appear to be victims of some malicious someones. In InfinityFree web page opened after login to account I can see some peak reaching …x00000 (can’t see on graph first digits) … so, some unusual traffic happened today morning, via Cloudflare I see between 7 and 8 AM (EET) some 24.53 GB bandwith (previous 30 days total bandwith ~937 MB), 7.25 M total requests (previous 30 days total requests ~29 k) and 268 unique visitors (previous 30 days maximum per day 142) … waaaays over my site usual numbers.
Perhaps can help some “Under attack mode” via Cloudflare I set, we will see, at this moment … only thing I can do is to wait! And watch ads from iFastNet. =) (Well, I don’t earn any money keeping those pages, so … not so bad, but … not pleasant, for sure.)
More thanks, Alar.

Enabling “Under Attack” mode should definitely help stop the bad traffic to your website and keep it online.

Perhaps you can dive into the logs and metrics from Cloudflare even more to see where exactly the traffic came from and implement some more granular rules to block the attack traffic with less impact to legitimate visitors.


Same here, account suspended: between 1 - 4 pm on 2/9 (SB Sunday), peaking at 3pm. Per Cloudflare: 5,390 unique visitors; 16,710,000 requests; 38GB data served. I’m admonished to evaluate my website and take action to reduce resource usage. HOW IS THIS MY FAULT? What happened and why? My website is about as simple as they come, images and text, nothing fancy. I mean nothing, just old html generated 28 years ago using Blue Griffon. I feel helpless.

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Noone’s saying its your fault. These things happen. If your website comes under attack the server has to take steps to protect itself.

Hopefully these attacks were a one off. But if it happens a couple of times, maybe change domains?

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It probably isn’t. But it (probably) isn’t our fault either.

Regardless of who is to blame, the end result is that we’re dealing with a huge wave of traffic being sent at our servers. Handling such waves of traffic is taxing on the servers, which impacts the performance and stability of all websites on the server.

We’re not taking down your website to punish you. We’re simply doing it to protect the integrity of our systems and make sure that as many websites as possible work well.

And you know we’re not making the numbers up. Cloudflare and our stats both show huge traffic spikes.


Hi and thanks!
Account reactivated, hope the best and rely on Cloudflare protection options!
Terv, Alar.

Just to inform. Today morning (between 11 and 12 AM) I saw in Cloudflare … 37.94 GB bandwith, 17.24 M requests and 3.69 k unique visitors! And this time I saw also … 13.41 M unclassified threats registered. Indonesia, but also US, Germany, China, Mexico …
As my InfinityFree account wasn’t suspended … seems to CF protection does work. =)
Terv, Alar.

I saw similar this morning with my site, and thankfully cloudflare blocked it :slight_smile:

Seems like it does its job really well :slight_smile:


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