Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Access denied for user ‘if0_36871567’@‘192.168.%’ to database ‘if0_36871567_exford’ in /home/vol7_8/infinityfree.com/if0_36871567/htdocs/staging_tickets.php:52 Stack trace: #0 /home/vol7_8/infinityfree.com/if0_36871567/htdocs/staging_tickets.php(52): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), ‘CREATE TEMPORAR…’) #1 {main} thrown in /home/vol7_8/infinityfree.com/if0_36871567/htdocs/staging_tickets.php on line 52
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try and fix in mysql but get following message
#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the RELOAD privilege(s) for this operation
#1044 - Access denied for user ‘if0_36871567’@‘192.168.%’ to database ‘if0_36871567_exford’
The CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE feature is not enabled on our hosting. I’m not sure what you intend to use it for. But our recommendation is that if you need to hold temporary data during your query, just hold it in PHP.
I’m not exactly sure what you tried. But I can tell you that you can’t edit your own MySQL permissions. It’s a shared server, so we can’t have people giving themselves admin access and messing with system settings and other people’s databases.
can you please explain how i can do this, this database is for a flower show which takes place on Saturday the 24th. i need to be able to enter entrants and then populate the required forms by the 22nd August please.
You can already create and edit tables in your database(s). Various CMS platforms do this automatically, but you can also do this manually using phpMyAdmin (which is accessible from your client area). There’s no reason for you to have elevated permissions on the database server.
Good morning, so my database uses a form to capture entries via a website these entries are used to create scoring sheets and other documents about the flower show. are you now explaining that i cannot use the system to do this. it worked last year but there are now errors with the code and i would appreciate some help. let me know if there is any info you need.
It doesn’t matter if you “use a form” to “capture data” for whatever purpose. The only thing that matters is that we don’t support temporary tables.
I would recommend you to check your code instead of explaining what your code’s intention was because this doesn’t matter.
Not really, I don’t know your website and your code, and I don’t know why or how it uses a temporary tables.
Inserting data in the database is not the problem. Creating tables and writing data to them is fine. However, your code is trying to create temporary tables, which is not supported.
Based on your description, I can’t think of any obvious reasons why it would use temporary tables. Which makes it all the more difficult to make any kind of recommendation about how to avoid using them.
I’m not saying you can’t do it, you just need to adapt your code to not use the temporary tables. If you need to store temporary data you can do so on InfinityFree by holding it in PHP, but from your description, it sounds to me like you need to hold it for long periods. Your best bet is to create a database and table yourself through phpMyAdmin, then write your code to insert data into that table. Take a look at this guide for more detailed instructions.