About Laravel installation


I installed Laravel on my domain with the help of Script Installer, but I need permissions such as terminal for this laravel, after all, there are packages I need to install. What can I do for this? If I want to throw the Vendor folder myself, it may take a long time.

We do not provide command line access on our hosting, or any other way to run system commands, so you cannot run composer or artisan or any other commands, so you’ll need to find workarounds for that.

The recommended way to work when using Composer is to install the Composer dependencies on your own computer, and upload the generated vendor folder with FTP. Yes, it can take some time if you have a lot of packages, but it’s the only way I can think of that actually works.

Note that you may also want to:

  • Remove the development dependencies before uploading (run composer install --no-dev). You don’t need development packages for your live website, which can save you a bit of time uploaded useless code.
  • Check the size of the Composer autoload files. We have a file size limit of 1 MB for PHP files, and the generated Composer files sometimes exceed this limit. If so, you may want to install the dependencies without optimize autoloader. You can do that by removing the optimize-autoloader option from the composer.json or by changing it from true to false.

Thank you I’ll write again if there’s something I’m stuck on.

I generally don’t see the point in installing a framework with Softaculous. Even with the framework installed, you’ll still need to actually build your website on top of it, and that’s just much more practical to do on your own computer and then publish the site to your hosting account when you’re ready.


Yes, the site is ready but I was having routing problems. I will do something like this. After installing laravel with Softaculous, I will throw my project on it with FTP and different files will appear and load faster. How does that make sense?

Sure, you can install the framework with Softaculous and only add your own code.

It wouldn’t be my preferred approach, as it seems hard to guarantee that the code on your own system is actually identical to what’s on the server.