Where is www.infinityfree.net is hosted?
is it hosted to it’s free server or premium server?
infinityfree .net should use their own free server.
Where is www.infinityfree.net is hosted?
is it hosted to it’s free server or premium server?
infinityfree .net should use their own free server.
Please change topic to Informal.
InfinnityFree is registered at NameSilo. I do not know who hosts it.
the https://infinityfree.net/ itself hosted by cloudflare in US
All free domains hosted by ifast.net in UK
Neither. It’s hosted on DigitalOcean.
I’m generally all for dog fooding, but using free hosting for our own site is just not going to work.
Our free hosting is for small, low traffic sites and learning stuff. It’s not suited for sites with high traffic, specific requirements or anything business critical. If you need any of those things, you should avoid free hosting.
Our main site gets a lot of traffic and is critical to our business. If we tried hosting it on free hosting, it would be suspended almost instantly due to the amount of traffic the site gets. Maybe it could be hosted on premium hosting, but we already have our own infrastructure to run the client area, so we just use that.
And the client area has a lot more moving parts and dependencies that just do not exist on any web hosting service I know of. Web hosting is for websites, and the client area is a complex management system with a web frontend.
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