Abort class-pclzip.php : Missing zlib extensions

i get this error when i try to download any plugin

Abort class-pclzip.php : Missing zlib extensions

iam using wordpress

Same problem here did u get any solution ???

What do you mean by “Download a plugin”?
Where did you trying download it? Using FTP manager? Wordpress dashboard or what?

installing a plugin using normal wordpress dashboard

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From Plugins in wordpress dashboard…

You should upload it using FTP manager.

Some issues why you’re facing the problem:
1.) The size of the plugins exceed the 10 MB limit size.
2.) Corrupted plugins.

Iam not able to download any plugin …
then do u mean to say all plugins are corrupted??(LOL)

To upload/download a plugin manually using FTP manager, this can help you to activate and upload a plugin on wordpress

To do so, the first step is to download the plugin or theme zip file to your computer. If you got the plugin from a third party source, you probably already have this file. If you installed it directly from WordPress, you can find and download your plugin from the official WordPress plugin store or theme store

Next, you’ll need to upload the files to your account.

To upload the plugin or theme with FTP:

  1. Extract the zip file on your computer. It should contain a single folder with files.
  2. Setup a connection with your FTP client of choice. Learn more about how to setup an FTP connection.
  3. Navigate to your WordPress plugins or themes folder. This is typically htdocs/wp-content/plugins for your first domain, and example.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins for addon domains and subdomains. For themes, it’s the
  4. Copy the extracted folder to the website directory. Depending on the size of the plugin or theme, this can take some time complete.
  5. After the file transfer has been completed, login to your WordPress admin area. From there, you can navigate to the Plugins or Themes interface and hit Activate on what you’ve just uploaded.

You can attempt to upload the archive through our online file manager, but this may not work depending on the size of the plugin or theme. Using a desktop FTP client like FileZilla is recommended, because it works with plugins and themes of all sizes.


Hyy there you can use this code

php_value max_execution_time 600

Just past this code in .htaccess file
This code execute time of running php code🙂

And add this code before (that’s all stop editing)
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
See screenshots of wp-config.php file
I just suggest you i am not sure it will work or not

It won’t work on free hosting, because they removed the possibility to set other PHP values on free hosting.

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The error occurs because of zlib extensions not installed on free hosting and I believe that extension was installed before. So, only server administrator can help with this.



it’s all over the WP, I can’t add theme or import demo to start working… :frowning:

Same here. Plugin upgrades and themes are not installing. I’ve tried using PHP 7.0 and 7.4.

Please just wait for Admin to review the issue. And you can’t mention Admin or message.

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Have you tried it yourself?


Yes and its work… 1 wordpress expert suggest me this

Yeah… it works:
context: echo ini_get('max_execution_time');

I asked you that if you’ve tried it yourself is because i not want people to advice a thing that they don’t know whatever it works or not.
Your code does not work. I tried it and the final result is what I and @Ergastolator1 see&say


I tested and here is the final result:

So your answer is useless.