72 hour to go sstill my website not showing also my domain noot verfied

if I upgrade my account, will I be able to host a video sharing website?

I don’t think so. Hosting copies of movies without express permission is piracy and it is highly punishable in many places. Both us at InfinityFree and I’m sure at iFastNet don’t want to be associated with illegal activities.

Also, I’m not a lawyer. But I’m pretty sure that if you have the illegal movie sharing website and there’s someone that uses your website (and/or downloads the movie from your site) that both you and them can be charged with piracy.


If on iFastnet I can share videos, I will buy a legal Playtube from Codecanyon, which Zenlighttube website I am trying to find out the features.

But you cannot, they disallow it explicitly. That means:

No , you cannot host pirated content on iFastNet servers.

Great! Go ahead, no one’s stopping you. However, note this software seems sketchy to me and you wouldn’t be able to use it with us (or with iFastNet, I believe) anyway.

I think (in my sole opinion) that your best course of action is to find another website to run that doesn’t include pirated content.


ok, i try

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