502 bad gateway

Hi Admin, getting various error messages on a couple of mine, mainly 502 bad gateway, some sites are working perfectly…

The ones I cannot access are reprievemediacic.epizy.com and reprievemediacicracing.ml, which is hosted on the same account, all of the others are fine… Please can you check them for me?


Best Wishes,



We noticed that problem and for now we ask for your patience

Thank you


my website is facing same problem
ip address is
please can you check and resolve the issue

As long as you guys are aware of it, I am happy…

Hopefully you guys will get everything back up and running soon…



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My sites are still the same, unfortunately…

Hey there!
This is a known issue and the they are working on it. The same is also happening to my site but don’t worry I am sure your site will be alright.
They are just asking for our patience so let’s just wait.

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