502 Bad Gateway


Hey InfinityFree,

I’ve been getting quite a few Bad Gateway messages on my site over the past couple hours

It goes away after a few mins but it’s happening quite often throughout the day.
Is it something I’m doing or has anything gone awry with the InfinityFree servers?

Pokemon Empire Team

Having the same issue with my site.

Also the FTP server seems to be going down quite often also, I’m unable to connect to it through FileZilla:

I noticed it’s trying to connect to a different IP address

@PEmpire, Your website works fine on my browser.

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The website is fine, but I still can’t connect to my remote server on FileZilla

Try this:


i have also been getting the 502 bad gateway error on occasion too, i might upgrade to premium from ifastnet if i have to maybe it will be better

i also got this when i went to click upgrade to premium in the dashboard

iFastNet’s premium hosting is a completely different service, so of course you won’t get the exact same hosting issues.

Not sure what happened there, everything seems to be working fine from here.


it only happens around 10pm PST every night maybe the servers are updating, or backing up and that is causing the outage?

the 502 error

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