502 Bad Gateway errors and FTP Unavailable

My web site IP is for cb.great-site.net.
how much i wait to resolve the issues…hopefullly you guys going your best and we are just waiting …

I have checked various URLs that have been shared in this topic, and they are all working fine for me.

I don’t know exactly what happened here. Most likely, it was a complication from a PHP update.

But whatever it was, it seems to have been resolved now.


The Website ist working but I can’t login.
A local copy of my website runs without problems with PHP 8.2
Website: https://kling0n3.great-site.net/
Volume: vol17_1
The problem exists for about 3 days. In this state, unfortunately, the page is not usable and is useless for me.
The error log always shows me the same error.
Thus, the problem is not solved for me.
I hope that a change still occurs.

This is a Screenshot after trying to login:

That error looks nothing like the the issues described in the initial post of the topic, and it seems much more likely to me that this is caused by a compatibility problem between your website and PHP 8.2 (at least in the way we’ve installed it).

We can help you with this, but that’s not related to this outage, so please create a new topic about it.


In the mean time, this issue was resolved, so I’m closing this topic.