500 Internal Server Error

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(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem

Error Message

500 Internal Server Error

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Hi again!
On one harmless php-box (link before) I see “500 Internal Server Error”, I see code source just in commented out part, action-part missing. Exact same php is located at Elektrihind 13-14 and working as expected.
Switched in Cloudflare to Development Mode, same.
Once again, thank You!
Terv, Alar.


the error thats showing now is

Uncaught TypeError: number_format(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type float, string given

so the code has recived a string when it expected a float.
Might be worth adding some type checking into your code, so that if this happens it errors gracefully rather than a full blown crash.

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Oh, damn! Sorry! I was so occupied with last problem I had and couldn’t realize one of source files was expired on test-site during this, hence the error.
Now I know how to switch on php-errors to see! Day not wasted! =) (Even I kind of checking out 500-errors-threads offered in forums during outlining current “problem”, missed this one You pointed, thanks.)
More thanks, Alar.

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Yes, thank You! Fixed that.
You’re right, I must have some … checking, but never had this before and this time it happened because I just forgot one data-file which must be updated daily, but not on this test-site, sorry.
Terv, Alar.

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