404 Error

Website URL jsaes.org [http://jsaes.org
I have both following issues

Error Message 404 Not Found

The page you were looking for could not be found!

the FULL error message is attached
I have uploaded an SSL certificate a week ago but my site still show its insecure so I create a file htaccess upload the content and saved the file but after a day my site is showing the following msg
what is have to do now

this name server check shows that the name servers are not pointing to the web hosting server

name servers are set to these :frowning:

did you set the domain name servers to the ones shown in cpanel and park your domain ?

please read this guide, it should help


i have changed my server name earlier when I connect my hosting with my domain the same name server shown in the link but now my domain DNS show following name Server
should i change that and my problem get solved?

Yes, you need to use InfinityFree namservers or setup an external DNS provider, neither of which you have done.


this happens



It looks like you’re registered with www.wildwestdomains.com.

Wow Lovebug, that is a very nice DNS tool. Great details.

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i have used them eailer but nothing happens

Seems ok for now


working for me too in london england


Sir, Thnaks for you help i really appreciate you efforts for me
but sir their is a problem when i put the Name or proper domain name on google my website is not on the list even if I went to 10th page it do show other websites with similar name but not mine one
what I have to do so that my web should be in list

Search ranking is entirely up to Google, they decide when and where your site shows up in search. The Google Search Console may be of use to you.


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