404 error

Website URL

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

404 Not Found
(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
the chat page is not loading or 404 but its on the htdocs folder

Other Information

also the css style is bugging, idont know why cause on local and on other hosting its working.
(other information and details relevant to your question)

Please read


To be specific:


Thanks man, this works. Now my second problem is the CSS and the main html as you can see in the picture provided above it’s duplicating, how to solve that? Cause it’s ok on local and on other hosting

Re-upload the same file using Filezilla.
The online file manager has this tendency of duplicating the codes.

You can also manually edit you main file to remove the duplication


Hi, just asking if making a messaging app using firebase is considered a chat script? Cause this morning I change the name of my html file from chat to msg and it works, now it’s not working(sometimes the pages load, sometimes it’s 403 or 404 error. Hope you can enlighten me

Any app that is constantly checking for updates from the server is not allowed. If your app requires users to refresh the page for updates, that is fine, but if it automatically checks for updates, that is a terms violation (And an easy way to reach the hits limit very fast).