403 Forbidden Error on my file

I am currently experiencing a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access the file on my website. The error appears when I make an HTTP request to the file, and I’m unable to proceed with the expected functionality.

I have already tried the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Checked the file permissions for my file`, which are correctly set.
  2. Reviewed the .htaccess file, and it does not contain any restrictions that would block access.
  3. Verified that there are no IP blocks in place for the domain.
  4. Confirmed that the server is responding with correct CORS headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, etc.), indicating no issues with cross-origin requests.

Despite these checks, I am still receiving the 403 error. Could you please assist me in identifying if there are any server-side restrictions, firewall settings, or security modules (like ModSecurity) that might be causing this issue?

Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response.

Hello, and welcome to the InfinityFree forums!

To assist you further, we need the link to your website. This helps us troubleshoot your issue.

Also, it seems you have written your issue using AI. While it may help, it is preferred that you write the issue yourself.


here is the link to my website

thank you for responding

Visiting your site, I see this. I am using Firefox to view your site.

I am not sure how your site is built, but I do know this isn’t a 403 Forbidden. Can you explain in further detail the issue you are experiencing?


so I’m using an android studio, and it says 2025-01-26 10:49:14.050 30287-30373 Volley com.projectbudgettracker.accfa E [58] NetworkUtility.shouldRetryException: Unexpected response code 403 for https://sanjuan-accfa.infinityfreeapp.com/validate.php, but also when I’m accessing the website it’s good

Please read


thank you

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To specify:

Which features are not supported?
Because of this security system, the following things will not work correctly or at all on websites on free hosting.

  • Access through Android or iOS mobile apps (mobile browsers work fine).

EDIT: My browser is slow, didn’t see your post.


thank you guys

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Glad we could help!


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