Server or website configuration is blocking you from viewing this page
Other Information
For a bit of context: I am getting this error upon clicking a hyperlink in my site that is meant to delete data from a table in a PHP Database. in my deletion script, I did not use any chat scripts, nor did i use include or require, so i am unsure as to why this is not working.
If needed, I can post my code in a follow up reply.
Yes, I am able to connect to my database just fine now, but I think it might be something up with my code.
For reference: here is my “delete from database” code:
$servername = "";
$username = "epiz_32901841";
$password = "Password";
$dbname = "epiz_32901841_database2";
$db = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($db->connect_error)
die("Connection failed: " . $db->connect_error);
$query = "DELETE FROM titles WHERE gameid = '$gameid'";
if ($result)
echo "Game deleted from the database!";
echo "Game not deleted. Please try again."
“include” and IIRC “require” are keywords that will always return a 403 in the browser, but will work correctly if included or required from another file, not in those directories.