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Why do we suggest to people that when they want to move WP/whatever to some other free subdomain

to do MOVE /CUT

when I think there is a simpler way…under the assumption that it is the same hosting acc !

The old address is, for example, oxytest.rf.gd

and we want to use the new address oxytest2.rf.gd
so then the first step is to create that new free subdomain that you want to use through the control panel
oxytest2.rf.gd (it also has the same IP as the others in the same hosting acc)

then we simply find old dir oxytest.rf.gd (via monsta FTP)
right click on that root directory and rename it to oxytest2.rf.gd
and the server will then look and pull the files from there

p.s. of course first of all - rename the new one to anything so that the two dirs do not have the same name

the only problem is… if it is the initial domain ( when creating the acc)
then it only has htdocs and not the domainname.tld/htdocs/

@Admin I am asking to make this"delete" button with double confirmation
e.g. modal/popup "are you sure?"
because currently one accidental click and it disappears
Screenshot 2023-08-03 205316


It’s not the main domain being deactivated, but the entire hosting account it’s associated with. The idea is that the email clearly tells you which account is affected by this, because a bunch of numbers from an account username aren’t very recognizable.

Of course, using the main domain’s we assign is less recognizable than the account username, because on here people never interact with their main domain.

The reason for this is that the “default” registration flow of the hosting platform involves the main domain being a real free subdomain you choose while creating the account. So the main domain is something you have entered yourself. The API-based flow works differently, adds the domain submitted with the create account call to the Addon Domains and puts an 8 character limit on the main subdomain. So generating a random value is the best way to create a user friendly account creation process.

This does of course make these emails a lot less useful, because of the unhelpful account identifier. But there is not a lot we can do about that, sadly.

That said, at the same time you received the email you showed here, you should have also received an email from InfinityFree directly which does actually contain your account username and label to help you identify the account.

Good idea! I’ll add it.


My experience today at hospital truly told me something. (There’s a lot of machines where you can check in, pay, and some other stuffs.)

There’s a kind of people that even if you slam the instructions right into their face, they still prefer their own way of doing something, and end up complaining about why it isn’t working. :joy:

Quite similar to this forum, right? :thinking:


It makes sense… I have never dealt with setting up a MOFH hosting so I thought it is assigned automatically. Good to know!


Screenshot 2023-08-04 210702




  • said by one from the 400,000Rials:1USD ratio country.

Welcome back @ChrisPAR! I hope you don’t disappear anymore after so many days now :joy:

Anyway, I’ll be having a driving test (practice) tomorrow morning. Wish me good luck!


Good luck!

I’m getting my driver’s license test on Monday.

Driving in 'Murica seems pretty lenient (at least, compared to some countries), so I should be alright.


Thank you! I’ve seen no-one else doing that other than you.

Good luck to you too!


Speaking of vehicles…

Quite funny that I had called this video game “realistic” (enough so that people have made up conflicts that some have thought to be real, such as portraying Russia and the U.S directly fighting during the ongoing Russo-Ukranian war). But instead of playing the game seriously and setting up realistic missions in the game editor, I wonder: what happens if I line up 832 fuel trucks veeery close to each other and wrap them around every building in an airbase complex and send one or two missiles at the first truck?

Does my thinking strike a bell?


Maybe I’ve watched too much of him to play video games as they are intended anymore :rofl:


It was so easy! I only did a small error that didn’t compromise me getting the driver’s licence now. Before I go any further, I need to perfection myself in doing some more perfect obstacle passes, then I can consider myself ready for my new car.


So you are a millionaire/billionaire ?


You just made me realize that I accidentally put an extra zero. :joy:
Welp technically but it is nothing.


You must have also told Repetza that you are a millionaire !
So he immediately decided that he loves you :joy:


Sweet money baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looks like Ziverre and Repetza have changed their avatars.

Ziverre’s avatar looks a bit too wild to be honest :joy:

And discobot started to greet me again in cloudflare community :upside_down_face: Though I know I can blame no one


How dare you to call the cat JC Denton “wild”.


What is that?
My knowledge about the Internet is both rich and poor (Rich on website building / server operating, poor on social medias) :upside_down_face:


Can understand :joy:

JC Denton is the protagonist of Deus Ex, I’ve been into video games again though I can’t play them at this time. (Mostly for the memes)


What a shame…

I also can’t recommend watching these enough: