Congratulations @Jri-Creator Keep it up! The community needs passionate volunteers and contributors like you! I wish I had mine. I had one, but I lost it due to inactivity …
Anyways, I observed the number of contributors increased since the last two years. The number of unresolved posts is starting to decrease. This is a great feat for the forum!
Moderators/Leaders, if I Flag a topic that should be in a different category [For example, a Hosting Support Topic is in Informal] as Off-Topic, would it be okay/accepted?
I don’t know as I never tried to flag it as off-topic (I always flagged spam topics and will always do that), but I wouldn’t flag it, let moderators do their category changing job and always tell people who post things in an inappropriate category for that topic to post it in an appropriate one next time before they do that.
What @JxstErg1 stated is correct and desirable behavior
I’ll just add:
You can always choose “something else” as the reason for the flag and write what that reason is.
This is often used if a user accidentally gives away login details etc. in a post
so that the post is hidden until one of us edits and hides the sensitive data
But most of it is covered by TL4 forum members who are from different countries of the world (different time zones) and therefore the forum is covered to some extent almost 24 hours a day and it doesn’t take long for a reaction.
If more than 5 minutes passed since such a post then the user is suggested to create a new password