20000 forum users - Awesome Special Event!

Now I’m watching a DankPods video, and I was laughing at this part (if it doesn’t open automatically, open at 3:33):

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Ah yes, the phone is on the phone


Orthodontic stereofOntarian!

I don’t know how the O in the process went in caps, but well, his translation app makes me laugh so much! Especially the “optoanhamnyecku E ctepeodohyeckue” part!

And well, what is “telefon golovnoy” transliterated gets translated to “the phone is on the phone”!


And now, changing topic, I referenced ElectroBOOM in the discobot’s advanced tutorial when I had to edit a post discobot made on my behalf:

Oh, and seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t get the oneboxes of this forum to work on KB articles!

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I had some same issue before so here my post


But your issue was in the one-line links. Admin (it’s better to not tag him, I tagged him just one time in one day) solved it by letting you put it in a new spaced line (and in fact, I’m also using that for my posts, but doesn’t seem to work for KB articles if they are Discourse’s KB creation tool-based).

For example, here’s the HTTP ERROR 500 thingy in the KB:

Here is the topic instead:

So guess I’ll have to link to them through topic links instead. Thank you :smiley: (EDIT: OxyDac did that for me).

And now, changing topic again, the most popular video of ElectroBOOM:

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so please everyone - don’t comment and just pretend you didn’t see anything. thx


I’m sorry for your loss, wish I had read that message before I asked.

Let her soul rest in peace


RIP to your cat… :cry:

I also fixed the oneboxes to the rest of the articles (yeah, the articles, I meant the topics I replied to).


fatgrizzly & JxstErg1 - Thank you very much

basically just replace docs?topic= in URL with /t/


Yeah, that. And:

No problem :smiley:


it’s a bit stupid that it was done that way but the reason for that is
because docs is a plugin
and then displays its path in the address bar
and the forum can’t make a nice onebox from that location.

I’m faster if I just copy the address bar URL and change the part (as I said above),
but there is another option is to scroll to the bottom of the article and click
the share link image there.


Is good to have the pros back.
This forum is in safe hands…


src = Astronomical events on Instagram: "When you point your finger towards the night sky, you may not realize that you are blocking photons that have traveled for thousands of years to reach your eye. These photons, which carry information about distant stars and galaxies, have traveled through the vastness of space to finally reach the Earth and be detected by our telescopes and instruments. However, when you point your finger towards the night sky, you are essentially creating a physical obstruction that prevents some of these photons from reaching your eye. This is because photons, like all forms of light, travel in straight lines, and any object that gets in their path will block them. Even though your finger is relatively small compared to the vast distances that these photons have traveled, it is still enough to block some of them. This means that the information that these photons carry about the distant universe is lost to your eyes. Of course, the amount of light that your finger blocks is very small compared to the total amount of light that reaches the Earth from the cosmos. Nevertheless, it is a reminder of the incredible distances that these photons have traveled and the amazing complexity of the universe that they reveal to us. So, the next time you point your finger towards the night sky, take a moment to appreciate the photons that have traveled for thousands of years to reach your eye, and the incredible knowledge and beauty that they bring with them. #nightsky #astrophile"

When you point your finger towards the night sky, you may not realize that you are blocking photons that have traveled for thousands of years to reach your eye. These photons, which carry information about distant stars and galaxies, have traveled through the vastness of space to finally reach the Earth and be detected by our telescopes and instruments.

However, when you point your finger towards the night sky, you are essentially creating a physical obstruction that prevents some of these photons from reaching your eye. This is because photons, like all forms of light, travel in straight lines, and any object that gets in their path will block them.

Even though your finger is relatively small compared to the vast distances that these photons have traveled, it is still enough to block some of them. This means that the information that these photons carry about the distant universe is lost to your eyes.

Of course, the amount of light that your finger blocks is very small compared to the total amount of light that reaches the Earth from the cosmos. Nevertheless, it is a reminder of the incredible distances that these photons have traveled and the amazing complexity of the universe that they reveal to us.

So, the next time you point your finger towards the night sky, take a moment to appreciate the photons that have traveled for thousands of years to reach your eye, and the incredible knowledge and beauty that they bring with them.


Hi, my friend tell me to return here.


Welcome back Tiffany Lynch :smile:


Thank you :blush:


Make it 5 :smile:


WB pony :smile:
now the infinity logo is also purple


That’s cool! :smiley: