20000 forum users - Awesome Special Event!

5 in the morning and you are sitting next to a wifi transmitter (wifi 5 bars)
and you are already online so early?
btw. LOL for ads !


Did you know Byet Internet Services ussed to have free cPanel hosting:

1 Like

Dns went kaput since yesterday.
Seeing a lot of 11776.bodis.com posts from yesterday



I also tried removing and adding the subdomains on the hosting accounts again today. Let’s hope the DNS records will finally change, else we’ll have to report these issues to the server admins through support ticket.


Follow-up just to report another one having this issue… Now the situation is getting out of hand because newer or older accounts those are, they’re still getting that DNS desync issue!


Done that. Already unlisted and flagged some posts


Thank you! Next time I see him doing that again I’ll flag him as spam, then you can do the rest for me :smile: Two times I flagged him as off-topic, but now:

Anyway, back to normal operation of the topic, but before we do that, we have a sponsor (which is fake, but anyway): the second network of my webTV is almost ready, I still need to finish some stuff and then I can remove the countdown!



That’s why I did this

My access is also limited. Sometimes Oxy or Green will have to step in


I have a question, what is this thing which Discourse uses for migrating to same site urls called? I.e the browser page usually reloads when you visit a link however with discourse it only changes the site content and the link bar (excluding the links to external websites).


It’s a JavaScript thing, loosely called a Single Page Application. It can change the url in the bar and then use Ajax or something to fetch new content for the page. As for how it gets the right topic and post number when you copy the url and go to it somewhere else, that must be a server side thing.


Is that the name then? I have used this technique before however I was unaware of the name until now, thank you!


I wake up with my phone alarm and see my notifications when I Brush, and if it’s really necessary i take it when I shit(when I have more and more notifications) and then go to school, come back home and notifications.

1 1/2 hours per day of usage


I would come online way less often if it wasn’t for @Repetza being behind my screen :upside_down_face:


Hhhmmmm :thinking:



My day mostly looks like this:

I wake up and then I need 1 hour to rest from sleep :face_with_spiral_eyes:
I make coffee and drink it outside in the yard
I feed the fish in the pond, I throw bread and seeds to the birds, I water the tomatoes, mint and other things
and only after all that my brain wakes up enough and I have enough strength to open emails, phone, PC.

Also, the phone is set to not show me notifications until the radar detects that I have woken up.

Then I come to the forum
@KangJL is already awake because of the time zone and has done most of the work
and that’s why he became my “workmate
because we are the first with greater authority to come to the forum and then we do X actions
(something like when a store opens its doors in the morning).

If there is some drama, then I send an email to the admin
and I spoil his day and he has to come to the forum urgently :innocent:

Then there around 2 pm (CEST)
the second wave/group is coming
GR9 and others that are further west on the map

I am mostly absent from the forum then
and I do some other things (work, home, private)
I come back to the forum in the evening or before that, I go for a bike ride around the neighborhood.

During the winter the schedule is somewhat different.


I wake up and mostly check the forum for anything, but since @KangJL and @Frank419 always do everything for us my work is to only put likes and to help somebody those two didn’t help in the meanwhile anyway… :laughing:

Anyway, I also get to see the forum and help more and more people… if I only had more time to check it I would also be the first one to reply to those! I saw two people in the evening, then I decided to help them: one with a Multisite, the other one with our “Free SSL Certificate” tool, but then Admin decides to strike in and join the fun of helping people while also moderating and administrating the forum!

And how I understood it was a Multisite on the person that was having problems with changing URLs to HTTPS: look at this:


All of us who have been on the forum longer, should give new forum members a chance to respond.
This encourages interaction and socializing, of course, if a topic has not been answered for several hours, then we can provide an answer.

Also, if necessary, we can jump in and correct someone’s answer or further clarify some things

For example:
I noticed that some of the members use terms
Reseller API (down), Vpanel, MOFH, etc.
and that should be avoided because users who come here for the first time have no idea what it is…and they should not be further confused by redundant terms.

Also during the response (new, more active members) should pay attention and should specify and describe the necessary actions to OP,
because what seems simple to us - it’s a drama for a beginner

I often have to correct myself when I write: “remove the domain and add it again”

because after that I think, what if he removes it from CF or the domain registrar ?
and then further correct my sentence to emphasize where

“remove the domain from our system/hosting

The devil is in the details !!! - so if you don’t provide detailed instructions the OP can do something totally different and potentially destructive

You noticed that well :+1:
That topic is a little strange because the OP states that after a while it doesn’t work again
as if there is some plugin/DB that returns everything to the old version
or it’s a browser or or or…


I have been too burned out to check on this forum nowadays let alone having the energy to help people, how is everyone doing?


Watching everyone else do the hard work I used to do :joy:


Oh my god. I never expected I’ll be on your list :joy:
What I see is that you and KangJL did everything and I was the guy who help those you two didn’t :joy:

And, by the way, I wanted to share my experience yesterday. Just recording (cuz I felt like this is the only place that accept me and I felt safe sharing things here :grinning: )

This is a long story --- choose if you wanted to read it

It was dark outside. I was on a trip in my uncle’s hometown (I’m 16 now) and at the time, I was on my daily exercise of running. I was with my younger cousin (he can show me some ways). Everything goes on very well until I tripped over on a carelessly designed well lid that was 5cm higher than the ground. I know I was injured but I don’t know how serious it is.

After getting back home, I started to realize what is actually happening. Wounds are everywhere: on my hand, my elbow, and my knees. My uncle come to help disfinction — and scary things start to happening.

I started to feel thirsty. Then I felt dizzy. At the time I don’t really take this as a thing but then I found it hard to breath. Finally I started to lose my sense, as if I had lost so many blood.
At that time my world looks like this:

            #my-world {
                z-index: -1;
            #orange-stuff {
                display: fixed;
                left: 0;
                top: 0;
                z-index: 0;
                background-color: Orange;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                opacity: 0.6;
            #random-rgb-pattern {
                z-index: 1;
        <script src="rgb-flowers.js"></script>
        <div id="my-world"></div>
        <div id="orange-stuff"></div>
        <div id="random-rgb-pattern" class="rgb-flowers"></div>
<!-- No, this is not real HTML. -->

I was crying “I’m done here” “I’m gonna die” but my senses are just leaving me away.

I suggest if we can go to the hospital — Then I’ve made a mistake — I attempt to stand up.

What I know is that I’m losing sense, but I didn’t know I had also lost my sense of direction. The world is spinning and spinning…

Then I passed out.

And I woke up. My watch says it was no more than 10 secs but it felt like forever. After this I finally started to recover and managed to stand up and go to the hospital.
And the results shows that this is just some skin-level injury that can recover within days. But what about losing my sense? It was all because nervous.

Now I’m all good again with a few scars, and luckily I haven’t lose anything! I was not dead (obvious) and not disabled.

Never be nervous as this can be your biggest enemy.