10000 forum users celebration - special event

What word(s)? Just tell me the ones that should not be obvious.

I can’t talk about the internal organization of the forum.
Thank you for understanding


Would you rather travel 100 years forward or back in time?

You can’t ask those kind of hard questions here :slight_smile:

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I do not know :slight_smile:
the past entices me more
because life was slower, without so much noise and drama
but on the other hand life was harder.
Somehow I think people have been happier in the past.

Then we will do this :smile:

Ann Hathaway or Emma Stone ?

You just gave me something to think about today. Thanks! :smile:

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See you soon!

I remember when we joined this forum you were the first person to help me on my first topic and then we got to know each other a lot. How memories can shine :heart: :star:

Tip: gmail works with and without dots. Even [email protected] :wink:

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how do you handle this new heatwave ? :smiley_cat:

We have a red alarm for Thursday and an orange one so far…

I set up 4 shallow bowls of water in the yard for the birds to bathe and drink to make it easier for them.

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wow it is rain warning for me -_-

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I might need to use a fan, because I’m sweating and my stock of water is also not enough for the incoming heatwave… But still, I resist to all of these atmospheric events, fortunately.

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So you stole all our water ?? :slight_smile:

It is not so much physically unbearable as mentally unbearable

I have no will for anything


Wow, best of luck!

Anyway, I know this issue dosen’t have a solution, but any insite would help. I think I can explain in two words, and I don’t think its working on my site.

Chron Jobs

I want it to load my WP site to help speed it up, but there has been no difference over the past week. The installation is in the /shop directory of my site, and I curreclt have a bunch of different combinations (Like /shop/ /shop shop/ shop/index.php shop/functions.php /shop/index.php)
They are all set to 1hr 0min, and I don’t think any work.

Try 1 hr 5min?


RIP me 3 false flags in 24 hours how have I not been silenced

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in the last 30 mins by the same ip in my firewall

11,264 items

Czechs need it more

Three or more different users have to give a flag to the same thing to make the post automatically hidden.
Auto silenced applies more to new users who do not have a developed profile.

The 5,000th post here should say last