Zoho Issue

What is the difference between using
Because in the Cpanel they say to use the epizy name servers. And if using the epizy nameservers, how does a user add TXT records like DMARC & DKIM. Besides DNS server reporting often that they can’t identify the name servers for my domain mmaiato.com. My email hosting provider zoho.com complaints that the DMARc and DKIM records are essential.

Follow this guide

You should be able to add TXT records like DMARC & DKIM this way


There is none. It all points to the same location. However, the client area requires the former to be used when creating an account with a custom domain, and the control panel requires the latter when adding a custom domain to an existing account.

DKIM records are not supported on the free hosting panel, you will have to upgrade to premium, or use Cloudflare (Linked by @KangJL)


Can I use cloudflare and continue hosting my web sites here at infinityfree.net? I do want to keep my sites here, but prefer a little bit more DNS robustness.

Yes, just follow the guide


You’re correct regarding the new accounts, but for existing accounts, it depends on the username prefix of your account. If your account’s username starts with epiz_, you should use epizy.com nameservers, if the username starts with if0_, you should use infinityfree.com nameservers.

If that’s too confusing, you can also use the nameservers ns1.byet.org and ns2.byet.org instead, those work in all situations.


I am currently reading the guide and it seems to imply I must change my registrar records to cloudflare, and to input a credit card. I want to use their name servers only. Can I do this if the steps state that a change of registrar is obligatory.
Godaddy my current registrar. Why would I want to change this to a likely more expensive registrar… Did you have to make cloudflare your registrar to get the DNS services you wanted?

Read again, you only need to change nameserver records.

Please get a free plan



Ahh I get it now, thanks!

I’ve got cloudflare setup as my DNS provider & have access to all the records I want/need.
DMARC, DKIM, DNSSec etc… its great! Thanks a lot KangJL


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