WordPress Help

Our server is working fine. This is not a problem with the hosting, but rather with the support you’ve been given.

One person in the other topic around this, @KangJL gave the right answer. Please do what they said, because as the owner of this service and the experience I’ve had with it, I can assure you that this is the one and only right answer:

This is a community support forum, so you’ll get answer from other community members. Most times these answers are relevant and useful, but sometimes they are not optimal or even applicable.

It seems that this is what happened in the other topic. So to be clear:

  • You don’t need to reinstall your site.
  • You should not restore your site from a backup.
  • You should not go around patching individual files.

Just upload a fresh copy of WordPress on top of your entire site, and you can bring your site up without any further issues or data loss.