Why is my website suspended?

Yeah, I realised that sports-betting relating stuff was allowed reading their terms…
Payment will be through PayPal, and I won’t even have any links to bookmakers, like almost all sites have which sell picks, and are hosted in the US (they all have loads of affiliate links to bookies).

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I think that only admin or support can explain what is triggering the abuse filter on your site.

I hope you can find the cause.

It will be interesting to find out which one is a “bad” word.
I have just sent another ticket, asked about these words:


  • sports-betting
  • income
  • money management
  • wager
  • odds
  • asian handicap
  • bankroll
  • Euro
  • USD
  • susbcription-based

You probably won’t get an exact response, as the list of forbidden words is private. If it was given out, then it would be very easy to circumvent.


Maybe he could ask what he could do to bring the site into compliance to avoid getting suspended? If you don’t understand what is causing the problem, how can you correct it?

I got this answer:

Hi there,

Sorry but a premium plan is required to host this content, on free hosting, it will always be suspended.

Every premium account includes a free domain name, huge disk space, traffic quotas and no CPU quotas with hundreds of extra features:
Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Dedicated Server, VPS Server

Thank you and stay safe !

Please let us know if there is anything we can do.


No way I am going to pay for something I need to run 3-4 month to prove it is profitable and only after that I’ll get paying customers. The only reason I was using this free host is because no other in the world gives a free SSL.

But I am making the same site at “google sites” for free, (that is OK for SSL) yes it will be a horrible looking name for the site, and won’t look maybe exactly as I wanted to (the design) but it is what it is.

I can pay for a real domain name and a hosting after 4 month if everything works OK,

So I’m out from here… :roll_eyes:

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I wish you the best of luck on your site.

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The thing which makes me really angry besides the time I’ve lost here is that I have seen a sports service hosted here for free (because I recognised the free domain), and had all kinds of words like I had on this list. I just can’t remember it’s name.

So this is going by luck totally, I guess.

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