Why is my react website only displaying white screen?

Website URL


Looking at your site’s source code, I can see that it’s trying to load files from the directory Portfolio, which doesn’t seem to exist. Those files seem to be on your main directory instead.
For example, it’s trying to load https://www.rajinsakha.com.np/Portfolio/static/js/main.3440600c.js when the URL should be https://www.rajinsakha.com.np/static/js/main.3440600c.js.

Please correct your URLs and try again.


Okay sir! I will try

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How long does it take to refresh the site after making changes?

Not very long, I am now able to see your site load fine:

Try clearing your browser’s cache and reloading.


Thank you sir! It worked.

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Glad to hear so!
I can see you have some issues with the images loading (because they, too, search for the folder Portfolio, but this should be easy to fix now).

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Sir, I did try fixing it by changing the url by removing Portfolio but it’s still not working.

Hi rajinsakha07,

Your images are still calling the portfolio folder, you need to remove this prefix for your website to work.

Meanwhile, may I ask where you got the template or is it a design of your own?



Also might want to look into this


It’s a design I got from one of the portfolio website created using html,css and vanilla js. I re-edited the design and developed it in React JS. I can provide you the link if you need. Cheers!

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