Why can't a user close it's own Topic?

As a Forums user and owner, I like to have the ability for a user to close their own Topics, because it would help avoid spam and avoid other comments from unrelated Topics. Here at InfinityFree, I see that some users aren’t able to close their own Topics, which could be helpful to those some. Why is that?

Because I don’t see one real reason why it’s needed.

Topics automatically close after a set number of days to prevent bumping of old topics, and we don’t see a level of spam here that requires it. Once your question has been solved, mark it as “Solved” so the rest of us know your issue was resolved.

Keeping topics open for a couple days also allows everyone to ask follow-up questions to the OP.

Also, the forum software does not have an option to allow users to close their own topics.


That’s what flagging and moderation is for. If a topic is being spammed with unrelated messages, they should be reported so forum staff can take action. They can then take actions that benefit the forum as whole, not just that individual topic.

And it’s not like off-topic posting and spam only happens on topics that are already solved.

Besides that, the forum doesn’t support it. The Discourse developers are quite opinionated in how forums should work and typically only implement features that they think would be useful to have. They don’t give options for the sake of having options.

And they clearly believe that being able to close your own topics is not a useful feature. And I agree with them.


It is best that the forum staff takes care of the topics and all other things on the forum.

The first situation (example) WHY, that comes to mind is:

someone makes a topic and writes IF is a scam
and close the topic

He already made any counterarguments impossible,
which can then appear as truth to new members and those who are uninformed (because they do not see counterarguments).

After closing the topic, there would be requests from other forum members to the forum staff to unlock the topic so that they can express their opinion
and that’s where staff time is spent on “trivial actions”.

Or others would open some other topics and write something like

that XY topic is closed, and the OP said that IF is a scam
I know it’s not
blah blah

So the staff would again have to merge topics, calm passions, delete topics/posts, etc.

In short, there would usually be a lot of confusion

Gives the user too much power to judge who will be allowed to write on his topic for whom not further inflame conflicts, incite hatred,
and the OP does not understand nor is it in his interest that there is a positive atmosphere on the forum, unlike the forum staff, for whom it is imperative
and that forum staff has knowledge and experience, which judges every day on every topic to reconcile the parties and to calm any tensions, to think about the promotion of this hosting and everything else.


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