What really happened with my website? Can you describe the specific error?

Username (epiz_32554032 )


Error Message

Your account exceeded the daily limits of your service. InfinityFree monitors the CPU, memory and hits usage (among others) of your account and temporarily deactivates your website if the limit is hit.

Other Information


Today i tried to open my website and my website was suspended, okay, i understand what had happened, but i wanna know the specific reason, can you describe me how much hits has been reached in my website? because im suspecting of an ddOs attack here in my city, i will be appreciate if you can give me more information of the specic problem that occurred, thank you

Welcome to the InfinityFree forum.

You can see how many hits you’ve used in the Control Panel (it is still accessible if your account is suspended), on Metrics → Account Statistics (direct link, you need to be logged in).
You can learn more about Usage Limits in Fair Usage Limits.