Welcome to the shiny club of Kirby!

I think @Alejitao left early today…
Bye to you!

i also try to summon powerful like a genie :eyes:

Discobot only replies on DMs, I’m sorry.


yeah, it meant to be fun.

BTW, welcome @Ergastolator1


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Hello again @Ergastolator1! Please post here to say thank you.


oh my, you summon a dragon…

(Nice sketch)

the cat is you :relieved:

help me Bayo!! :eyes:
-pretending to be a cat

sorry but i’ve to go.

Goodbye and Goodnight @anon19508339!

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Good night! and have a good dream :eyes:

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A good dream indeed…

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Sorry @JavesPotato, I’ll have to leave so I can finish working on my website. Bye! :wave:

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Maybe I have to go sleep, time check 3:35 AM Philippines.

Good bye!


Bye :wave:

3.6k is now white instead of orange

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Thanks! I had to gona

To be honest I really don’t like apple products not that I hate it, it’s just that I don’t like it. Apple products are way too expensive and the features and functionality does not really met my likings. I prefer to buy cheap products with all the functionalities I want or even expensive one as long as the price is worth it with all the stuff I needed. I currently have a phone below $200 and it’s still durable after 4 years now with all the features necessary to me.

Also +453 Messages? OwO

And Good Morning and Good evening to you all!