Website won't update to new files

Your code is not correct. When calling filenames with HTML, a space " " is an invalid character, since a space is an invalid URL entity (Thats why you got a 404 error LoveBug). Please rename your video file to not include spaces.

And since you are still calling fade-in.css, the server and the filemanager are working perfectly fine. Before blaming other things for your problems, you need to be 100% certain about what the problem is.


@Greenreader9 thanks I didnt think of that :smiley:

still its weird that the new index.html doesnt upload

@dsmprotocol I just checked your website ip and its pointing to so maybe you should remove the epizy name servers ?

No, only these:

@dsmprotocol, please set your nameservers to those listed below. You should only have 2 nameservers, and they should be the ones below.

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I literally made a second account because the first one i cant comment for another 24 hours.

No, you’re wrong about this. If you notice in the source code, when I call on the picture, there are spaces in the name of the picture file and it still worked perfectly.

I think the problem was i had paid for the upgraded plan, and that sent me to a new hosting site, which pointed my site to a different IP. That’s why the files I uploaded to the Infinity Free file manager weren’t showing up on my site.


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